The Elizabeth R. Miller Brain Observatory (MBO) is an interdisciplinary center at the Rockefeller University with a mission to offer advanced neuroimaging tools that are supported by a critical mass of long-term staff with optics and computational expertise. The MBO aims to operate, adapt, and support biological applications while ensuring continued innovation and knowledge management
Founded in 2022 by a joint initiative of the Kavli Neural Systems Institute and the Rockefeller University, the MBO is generously supported by a gift from the Elizabeth R. Miller Family. The MBO will refine, disseminate, and provide long-term support of cutting edge neuroimaging tools that will serve a wide range of biological applications.
This is being done by consolidating and managing all relevant technical knowledge, maintaining custom pre-commercial instruments, and enabling access to optimized data pipelines and computational resources to collaboratively address challenging neurobiological projects. Current technology includes a portfolio of neurotechnologies developed at the Laboratory of Neurotechnology and Biophysics that allow for interrogation of neuronal populations at unpresented scale, resolution, speed and depth
150,000 Most Active Neurons (of 1 million detected, ~5.4 × 6 × 0.5 mm @ 2.2 Hz) – Demas et. al., Nature Methods (2021)
A glimpse at the Observatory, and various tools, modules, and instruments assembled at the Center